Have you ever held a crayon?
Your favorite color to paper.
Have you ever thought about,
How people aren't so different?
Maybe not,
But let me explain.
Wrapped in a thin paper,
With words up to interpretation.
A layer so easily ripped,
And torn.
Excessive use wears us down to dull edges,
Peeling back our assigned identity,
With no remorse,
No return.
With all that matters,
Being that label.
What color are you?
Are you blue?
Yellow, but not primary?
Oh, forget you.
We consist of cerulean,
And amber brew, too.
As our papers begin to wear,
Through and through,
Our dense centers thinning,
All for you.
We're more than our thin paper,
We're full,
We're vibrant,
We're more than the pretty scenes,
That we are used to paint in silence.
We're more than our dull edges,
We're more than the tool of an artist long forgotten,
We're more than this,
We're human.
Through and through.
But now let me ask you this,
Don't you feel like a crayon, too?
Welcome to the cool kids club!
My name is Jamie and I'm a young (ish) transman born and raised in the Hudson Valley of New York state. I started my transition in May of 2017 and since then, I've made it my mission to live unapologetically as myself and spread awareness through my pursuit of happiness. I am the creator and writer of Spilling T blog, a proud affiliate of TransTape and when I'm not outside with the best dog ever or hanging out with my two cats, I make and sell my own beard care products through Buckaroo's Beard Care. I'm always looking for my next adventure and have been skydiving, road-tripping, hiking in the mountains and even served for a short time in the United States Marine Corps. My life has had its fair share of twists and turns and I hope to use those experiences to create helpful and relatable content that may help someone else navigate a difficult time in life.
Beards, Socials, Tape and Writing
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